time to...

“Roll." And tosses a small package at me.
I look at it for a minute, somewhat stunned that I was given an important duty.
“I don’t know how.”
“First time for everything. Figure it out.”
Damn him. He expects me to learn while cruising in the back seat of the car?
No escaping out of this one. I look over at my girl and she’s shaking her head, like...whew I’m glad he didn’t ask me to do it.
What the hell...I go through the steps in my head, remembering how the boys did it.
step 1-split the Philly in the middle *where's the brown paper bag?
step 2- break it up well *specially if its sticky icky
step 3 - scoop it all up *do.not.waste
step 4 -seal it up. *yum, i like peach
“Allright. Done.” I tap him on the shoulder and hand it over for his inspection.
Light up” and hands it back to me.
A small fire blazes out of the lighter, and *puff*
I pass it along and hope it doesn’t run.
After making a full circle, he turns around to me with a huge grin on his face, marking his approval.
MaryJane...100% approved.
I'm in love with 25 men...
Congratulations to the SF Giants and the whole Bay Area!!! It was a long grueling season for fans as we watched too many games with anxiety and bated breath for that seemingly torturous last out. But once done and won, we loved every minute of it. On the 173rd game of the year, game # 5 of the World Series, who better to have on the mound and pitch the best game ever but our 2x Cy Young winner, Tim Lincecum!
The team was composed of what the main stream media labeled the "band of misfits, thrown haphazardly together in the middle of the season," and considered to be the underdogs throughout the whole regular and post season. Yet it's the Bay's own collection of eccentric baseball players that won the honor to bring home the game's most coveted prize, the World Series trophy. The Bay Area is the shining gem in the world of baseball tonight.
Thanks for one helluva season SF GIANTS, BRUCE BOCHY, and BRIAN SABEAN.